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 March 2025, Volume 80 No. 3

Club Website-

Club Facebook-

2024/2025 Officers


Richard Sharp

(509) 551-6785


Mike Estes

(509) 551-9066


Ron Moore

(509) 521-4528

RRGC Logo.png
RRGC Tax Status and Address.png





Board of Directors Meeting Notes


Three donations were received this month.  The Columbus Foundation provided us a $1,000 grant from the Battelle Foundation Fund in support of youth education in conservation and outdoor activities.  The Columbus Foundation awarded us a grant for the same amount in May 2024.  Julie Willingham of Pasco donated some of her late husband’s fishing gear in support of our youth programs and events.  Kendra Fisher of Richland donated some of her late father-in-law’s fishing gear including fishing rods, tackle boxes, lures, bait, and fly-tying supplies, and a 12’ Porta-Bote complete with seat and oars.

The BOD approved offering the Porta-Bote for sale to RRGC members for $2,500 until March 25 before offering it for public sale if not sold by that date.  The boat has a title and is in near new condition.  Contact Evan Kirkpatrick (414-534-2817) if you are interested in more information or want to arrange a viewing.

Salmon in the Classroom Fish Release


Young salmon that are being raised in fish tanks at local schools will be released by students at the East Columbia Park boat ramp during the Salmon Summit on Tuesday April 29 and Wednesday April 30.   Eight to ten volunteers will be needed from 8:00am to about 10:30 am each day to help with the fish release.  If you are interested in assisting with the salmon release on one or both days, please contact Mike Estes (509-551-9066). More than 2,000 students are expected to be in the park during the two day Salmon Summit event.

Vice President

Evan Kirkpatrick

(414) 534-2817

Photo of the Month Contest Guidelines

  • Must be taken in current license year.

  • May include hunting, fishing, habitat, camping.

  • Must include a critter (human or wild).

  • Harvested game must include the hunter or angler.

  • Winners will be selected by the Board of Directors.

  • All photos become property of the Club.

  • Note: The Board may use discretion in applying the guidelines when selecting the winning photo.

  • Please include name of photographer and date taken.

  • To submit entry, email it to at least 6 hours before the monthly board meeting which occurs at 7:00pm on the third Thursday of each month.


Next General Meeting – March 4, 7:00 PM at Richland Public Library

Next Board Meeting- March 18, 7:00 PM at Griggs Pasco Hunter Ed room

April Newsletter Contribution Deadline is March 22.   



March 4 General Membership Meeting


7:00pm at the Richland Public Library


This should be a very busy meeting with annual election of Officers and Trustees, renewal of memberships that expire on March 31, possibly your last chance to purchase tickets to the Wild Game dinner that will be held on March 22, and an opportunity to purchase chances in the Quality Trip drawing that will be conducted at the conclusion of the Wild Game Dinner.    


The program speaker this month will be Todd Miller, WDFW District 4 Fish Biologist, who will present the annual fishing forecast for our local waters.  If you have a catch record card for salmon, steelhead, and sturgeon that needs to be submitted by April 30, 2025 you can bring it to the meeting to give to Todd and save a stamp. 

Annual Meeting - Election of Officers and Trustees


The club’s bylaws identify the March general membership meeting as our annual meeting where the first item of New Business is the election of Officers and Trustees for the next year (April through March).  Our Board of Directors consists of four elected officers (President, VP, Treasurer, and Secretary), up to 15 elected Trustees, and the Immediate Past President.  The Nominating Committee appointed by the President recommends the following members for election as our 2025-2026 Officers and Trustees.  President: Evan Kirkpatrick.  Vice-President: Adrian Quinones.  Treasurer: Ron Moore.  Secretary: Mike Estes.  Immediate Past President: Richard Sharp.  Trustees: Tim Irvin, Monte Kelsey, Paul Kison, Packy Lackey, Micah Little, Larry Martin, Karen McNiven, Dave Miller, Dave Myers, John Prather, Dale Schielke, Braydon Wodtli, and Pete Workman. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the meeting.  Anyone nominated from the floor must be present and agree to serve if elected. 


Wild Game Dinner Tickets and Quality Trip Chances


This may be your last chance to purchase tickets to the Wild Game Dinner that will be held Saturday, March 22 at 5:00pm at the Benton Franklin Fairgrounds in Kennewick.  The program presenter will be photographer John Clement.  Dinner tickets are $30 each and Quality Trip chances are $25 each.  Membership dues for 2025 must be paid to participate in the Quality Trip drawing.  See Dale Schielke for dinner tickets and Ron Moore for Quality Trip chances.  Quality Trip rules are shown further down in this newsletter.


Wild Game Dinner Preparations and Prize Donations


We still need meat donations, prize donations, cooks and helpers for the 2025 Wild Game Dinner.  If you still have meat to donate please bring it to the March 4 meeting.  If you have collected prizes or have a prize to donate please bring it to the meeting or contact John Prather (509-521-1593).  The deadline for prize donations is March 15.  Please consider helping at the following food prep events. 

February 28, 5:30pm - Sausage making at John Prather’s shop.  (Marilyn will provide soup for volunteers.)

March 1, 9:00am – More sausage making at John’s shop.  (Breakfast burritos for helpers.)

March 2, 9:00am – Meatball prep at Marilyn’s house, 41530 S Morton Rd. Kennewick.  (Biscuits and gravy for helpers.)

March 9, Noon – Chukar prep at John’s shop.  (Marilyn plans a light lunch for helpers.)

March 16, Noon – More chukar prep at John’s shop.  (Chukar soup lunch for helpers.)

March 21, 9:00am – Wild Game Dinner set up and prep at Benton County Fairgrounds Building 4.  (Pizza lunch at noon.)

March 22, 7:00am – The culmination!  Breakfast at 8:00am with cooking to follow.  BCF Building 4.  Appetizers at 5:00pm.  Dinner at 6:00pm.    


John Prather’s shop is at 215107 E. Game Farm Road, Kennewick.  Marilyn’s address is 41530 S Morton Rd., Kennewick. These events are open to anyone interested in helping. No experience is needed so come join the fun!  Please text Marilyn (509-392-2128) if you need more information or to let her know you will help.


Quality Trip Rules


Annual membership dues expire on March 31.  Dues must be paid for 2025 to be eligible to enter the 2025 Quality Trip drawing.  Each member is eligible to purchase two chances in the drawing but members who have performed volunteer work on a number of RRGC projects and activities are eligible to earn additional chances.  A free chance in the raffle will be offered to any member who 1) purchases a chance in the drawing, and 2) has accumulated 20 or more hours of volunteer work on club sponsored projects during the preceding calendar year (January 1 through December 31, 2024).  A second free chance will be offered if the individual purchases 2 or more chances and has accumulated 40 or more hours as described in the preceding sentence.  No member may be awarded more than two free chances in the drawing.  Volunteer service on the following projects will count towards the accumulated hours.

  • Tri-Cities Sportsmen Show – Lunker Lake and Youth Pellet Range (set-up, tear down, shift work)

  • Wild Game Dinner (food preparation, cooks, equipment transport, event set-up and tear down)

  • KOE Special Needs and Kids Fishing Days (rod assembly, mentoring, event activities)

  • Angler Education (class instructors and assistants)

  • Hunter Education Class (instructors and assistants during classes and range day)

  • Hunter Education Pheasant Hunt (mentors and dog handlers)

  • Introduction to Firearms Class (instructors and assistants)

  • Salmon in the Classroom (egg and supply deliveries, carcass deliveries, dissections, fish release)

  • Habitat (water guzzler installation, monitoring, maintenance , removal or relocation)

  • Wood Duck Nests (construction, installation, monitoring and maintenance, student instruction)

  • RRGC wildlife related group projects in support of WDFW, USFWS, and other agencies.


Quality Trip chances are available from Treasurer Ron Moore.   The drawing will be held as the last event of the annual RR&GC Wild Game Dinner on March 22, 2025.  The winner does not need to be present to win.  For full details and a copy of the agreement the winner will be required to sign, follow this link to the Quality Trip page then click on Quality Trip Rules underlined in the first paragraph:

Tri-Cities Sportsmen Show Recap


Thanks to each of the 72 volunteers who helped at the Lunker Lake kids fishing pond and kids Air Rifle Range at the Tri-Cities Sportsmen Show.  This was the 31st year that Shuyler Productions put on the Tri-Cities show and RRGC has assisted with the pond every year.  Merle and Bev Shuyler are retiring so we will likely be working with the new show producer next year. 


1,667 trout were caught during the three days, which is 385 fish more than were caught last year.  326 remained when the pond was drained at the end of the show including three 4 pounders.  Daily catch was 324 fish on Friday afternoon, 778 on Saturday, and 565 on Sunday.  Proceeds from the event were $4,308 from Shuyler Productions and donations totaling $188 for a total of $4,496.  RRGC expenses have not been tabulated yet but include fish food for WDFW to raise the trout, prizes for tagged fish caught, rental of a sump pump to drain the pond at the end of the show and for food for volunteers. Net proceeds to RRGC are about $3,500.  We also made a lot of kids and their families happy, spread the word about our club and signed up nine new members, and promoted the principles for which RRGC exists.  Larry Martin and Monte Kelsey delivered donated trout from Lunker Lake to Blue Mountain Wildlife in Pendleton, Oregon for food for birds of prey during their rehabilitation..  Additional fish were given to a Richland middle school teacher for dissection by the students.


Special thanks to Ron Ruth for coordinating volunteers at the Air Rifle Range; to Dale Schielke for coordinating workers for the fishing pond, working with WDFW on tagging and delivery of the fish, securing prizes for the tagged fish, and supervising the wood duck nest box building by the kids; to John Prather whose expertise in assembling and disassembling the fishing pond was recognized by the show producer; to our Membership Chair Karen McNiven for staffing a table to attract new members; and to Marilyn Steele for keeping the volunteers well fed throughout the show.  Thanks also to Grigg’s Department Store, Texas Roadhouse, Richland Dairy Queen, and AWS for donating prizes to supplement prizes donated by RRGC.  145 tagged fish prizes were awarded.


Become a member today!

Download the March 2025 newsletter

Photo of the Month


There were six contest entries this month.  Larry Martin submitted a photo taken by Megan Martin (Larry’s granddaughter) on February 8, 2025 of a coyote southwest of Prosser in an area that Larry and Howard Gardner used to hunt coyotes.

Welcome to Our New Members

The Board approved twelve new memberships this month.  Please help us extend a warm welcome to Jason Castiglione, Jeff Johnson, Craig Gotlsck, Brian Burke, Chad Hansen, Bill and Teresa Wiese, Phong Huynh, Stony Akins, Rick Nelson, Gail and Landis Brown, Scott and Ann Marie Mitchell, and Bill Bachman.  


Next Hunter Education Class – March 2025


The next Hunter Education class will begin on Monday March 31, 2025.  It will be an evening class held at Grigg’s Department Store in Pasco from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.    The class can be previewed on line now at the WDFW website.  On line registration will open approximately March 1.


KOE 2025 Fishing Events and Group Rod Assembly


Fishing rods need to be assembled for all the participants in the KOE Special Needs fishing event to be held on Friday, April 11 at Columbia Park Pond and the KOE Kids Fishing Day to be held on Saturday, April 12 at the same location.  There will be a gathering on Saturday, March 29, at 9:00am at Grigg’s in Pasco to assemble rods.  Lunch will be provided to volunteers.  Rods may also be picked up for assembly at home.


Many volunteers will be needed to assist with rod assembly and at the fishing events so please save the dates on your calendar and plan to lend a hand.


MARCH 29 – 9AM GRIGGS - ROD ASSEMBLY and pick up for home assembly





Contact information: Marilyn Steele,


Registration for Kids Fishing Day will be on line only at the Kennewick Parks and Recreation webpage and is expected to open about March 14.

 Wood Duck Nest Box Maintenance

Dale Schielke reports that the annual nest box cleaning and documentation of use during the 2024 nesting season is under way. So far 176 existing boxes have been checked and 7 new boxes have been installed. Of these, 70 boxes were used by wood ducks, with 51 boxes hatching out 493 ducklings. Two boxes were found with honeybees that have since been transferred to a beekeeper. 32 boxes were used by screech owls. During these spring checks one owl was recaptured that was previously banded on February 24, 2024 and two apparently male screech owls (based on wing dimensions and weight) were banded.  These activities will continue until all 600 plus boxes are inspected and cleaned before the end of March.  Dale said the first 40 nest boxes were built in 1983 by club members.  Now, all of the boxes as built by kids.


Dale and helpers are scheduled in the next couple of weeks for presentations/box builds with a class of Homeschool students and five Life Science classes at Libby Middle School. We will also have displays at Libby Middle School STEM Day and PNNL's 60th Anniversary Gathering at HAPO.


Don Hand is Retiring


Don Hand has been an RRGC member since 1993. He has worked for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for 37 years.  Don was a Habitat Development Specialist working for the WDFW Upland Wildlife Restoration program when we met him.  RRGC donated $500 to the program in 1993 and an equal amount for several years thereafter.  Don later became one of the first two WDFW deer and elk Conflict Specialists.  Both Conflict Specialists were in WDFW Region 3.  Now there are wildlife Conflict Specialists in every WDFW region throughout the state so Don and Anthony Novack must have proven the worth of the position.  See the flyer below if you are interested in attending Don’s retirement party.

RRGC Memorial Scholarship


Applications are currently being accepted for Richland Rod and Gun Club Memorial Scholarships.  The scholarship is named in memory of the club’s devoted members now deceased.  Eligible applicants should be pursuing a conservation related degree such as natural resources management, fish and wildlife sciences, forest resources, range ecology and management, or similar wildlife or natural resources related program and have enough college credits to qualify as junior status by next fall. Scholarship selections are based on merit. Applications must be submitted via email no later than April 14, 2025 to  Contact Mike Estes (509-551-9066) for application forms or more information.


No Hunter Left Behind Pheasant Hunts


Ron Ruth submitted photos of 4 first time hunters and their harvests from No Pheasant Hunter Left Behind hunts at Limits Game Farm on January 12 and 19, 2025.  Each hunter is accompanied by an Instructor.  The hunters in the top photo are mother and son, Emily and Sky Pierce.  The bottom photo shows brothers Nate and Nick Cueto.  The hunters shot their own birds.  The program was started by Ron and is partially funded by RRGC along with other organizations.

See below for contest rules and please keep those photos coming!  All contest submittals will appear on the big screen at the Wild Game Dinner in March.   


Micah Little submitted his photo with a 10-1/2 pound walleye caught on February 15, 2025 while night trolling with Evan Kirkpatrick and Richard Sharp on the Columbia river.  Evan took the photo.


Richard Sharp submitted his walleye photo taken the same night as Micah’s.  Evan also took this photo.


Huck Welch submitted several photos from a rabbit hunt at the Toppenish Wildlife area on February 2, 2025.  Nine beagles participated in the hunt.  Huck says seven rabbits were harvested, fried and eaten.  Huck’s other photos will be shown on the screen at the Wild Game Dinner along with all other monthly contest entries.


Adrian Quinones submitted a photo of him with his very first walleye caught at night on February 1, 2025.  The photo was taken by Evan Fitzpatrick.


 John Cooper harvested this male mountain lion in Montana in February. The big tom was treed by running hounds with the temperature at -8°.  The cat weighed in at 140lbs.  The photo was taken by Tanner Day.  John’s photo was chosen the monthly contest winner.

Click this PDF icon to download the March 2025 newsletter

Update your contact information!

If you have changed your address, your phone number, or your email address please use this link and scroll to the bottom of the page where it says

“Update My Contact Information”.


Richland volunteer opportunities for members (



Get involved in one of our Committees:

Salmon in the Classroom: Mike Estes or

Gene Van Liew –

Wild Game Dinner 2025:  Marilyn Steele –

Wood Ducks:  Dale Schielke –

KOE Kids Fishing Day:  Marilyn Steele –

Hunter Ed:  Ron Ruth –

Guzzlers:  Larry Martin -

Youth Conservation Camp: Larry Martin -

Membership: Karen McNiven –

Scholarship:  Mike Estes -

Website: Braydon Wodtli and Micah Little –



RRGC Club Upcoming Activities


WGD Sausage Making – February 28 at 5:30pm at John Prather’s shop

WGD Sausage Making - March 1 at 9:00am at John Prather’s shop

Introduction to Fishing Class – March 1 from noon to 3:00pm, Grigg’s Dept. Store in Pasco

WGD Meatball Making – March 2 at 9:00am at Marilyn Steele’s home

Next General Membership Meeting – March 4 at 7:00pm, Richland Public Library

Chukar Prep – March 9 at Noon at John Prather’s shop

More Chukar Prep – March 16 at Noon at John Prather’s shop

Wild Game Dinner Set Up – March 21 at 9:00am at Benton Co. Fairgrounds Building 4

Wild Game Dinner Final Prep – March 22 at 7:00am, BCF Building 4

Wild Game Dinner – March 22 at 5:00pm, BCF Building 4, Kennewick

KOE Rod Assembly – March 29 at 9:00am, Grigg’s Dept. Store in Pasco

Hunter Education Class – Starts March 31, 6:00pm-9:00pm Grigg’s Dept. Store in Pasco

KOE Special Needs Fishing Day – April 11 from 9:00am to 6:00pm, Columbia Park Pond

KOE Kids Fishing Day – April 12 from 7:00am to 5:00pm, Columbia Park Pond

Salmon Summit Fish Release – April 29 and 30, 8:00 to 10:30am, Col. Park East Boat Ramp


Richland Rod & Gun Club is an organized group of hunters, fishermen, and conservationists who share a common interest in the outdoors. Each year the Club members volunteer in a number of work projects that improve wildlife habitat, educate young potential hunters / fisherman, and raise funds for Club projects.


The RICHLAND ROD & GUN CLUB meets the first non holiday Tuesday of each month except July and August at 7:00

The meetings are open to the public and consist of a short business meeting followed by a program of current interest.

Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday at 7:00 at Griggs Pasco meeting facility.


Membership in the Richland Rod & Gun Club can be obtained by filling out an application and paying your annual dues here.


The Richland Rod and Gun Club offers opportunities to work in activities associated with wildlife, the outdoors and youth education. We would appreciate your involvement with one of our projects or programs that include, Fishing, Dog Training, Scholarship, Public Lands, Youth Activities, Migratory Waterfowl, Habitat, Game Birds, Big Game , Landowner Relations.

Content contributions, suggestions, or criticism to the RRGC website should be emailed to,

Richland, WA        
Kennewick, WA     
Pasco, WA
Tri-Cities, Washington (state)

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