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Fish Recipies

Capt. Clark

Tuesday March 4th 1806


The fresh sturgeon they Keep maney days by immersing it in water. they Cook their Sturgeon by means of vapor or Steam... a brisk fire is kindled on which a parcel of Stones are Sufficiently heated, the Stones are So arranged as to form a tolerable leavel Surface, the Sturgeon which had been previously cut into large flaetches is now laid on the hot Stones; a parcel of Small boughs of bushes is next laid on, and a Second course of the Sturgeon thus repeating alternate is next covered closely with mats and water is poared in Such manner as to run in among the hot Stones, and the vapor ... cooks the fish. the whole process is performd in an hour and the Sturgeon thus Cooked is much better than either boiled or roasted.

The two best anadromous fish in the Northwest are the salmon and the steelhead.  The recipes are interchangeable for these two fish and they can be smoked, fried, broiled or baked.  The two best eating warmwater fish are the walleye and perch.  The sturgeon is both a landlocked and anadromous fish.  Its meat is much firmer than most fish and the taste is similar to that halibut.  The best saltwater fish other than salmon is halibut and ling cod.  Halibut makes an excellent fish chowder.  Shad and carp are bony fish, so if you don't like bones try walleye.


When preparing your meal it is essential to following safe food handling practices.  For more information go to the section on Food Safety.


1909 Cooked Trout

 To Cook Trout in the Forest


First catch your trout.


Then with a sharp knife split lengthwise along the spine from the inside, cutting from the front while holding the fish on its back on a log, stump or piece of bark.


Salt and pepper plentifully the separated halves on their cut sides, allowing them to remain several hours or over night in a covered pan, then they may be well rolled in flour or cornmeal and dropped, salted side down, into a skillet of hot fat (bear's lard if obtainable), and fried over embers left from a fire of fir or hemlock bark, turning the pieces over after a short time.  Do not cover the skillet.


Trout under one-half pound in weight may be similarly treated without splitting.



Grant W. Humes

 Washington Women's Cook Book - 1909

Smoked Salmon Artichoke Dip

Number of Servings:  Varies




1 cup smoked salmon

1 can artichoke hearts (chopped)

1/4 cup mayonnaise

2 cloves of garlic (minced)

1/4 cup Parmesan cheese




Mix together and serve with your favorite crackers


Contributor:  Randy McBride

Smoked Salmon Dip

Number of Servings:15-20




2 cups smoked salmon (finely crumbled)

1/2 cup butter (softened)

1/2 cup cream cheese (softened)

1/2 cup finely chopped onion

1 teaspoon lemon juice




Whip butter and cream cheese with mixer for 3-5 minutes.

Add remaining ingredients and mix for another minute.

Serve with crackers or use as a filling in toasted sandwich.


Notes & Variations:


No smoked salmon?  Substitute 2 cups canned or baked salmon mixed with 1/4 teaspoon liquid smoke.


Contributor: Jerry Zeitler, RRGC

Smoked Salmon Dip! 3-2-1

Number of Servings:  15-20




3- 8 ounce packages cream cheese.

2- 8 ounce tubs sour cream.

1- 8 ounce scoop mayonnaise

1- package Mrs. Grass onion soup mix.

1- 8 ounce chunk smoked deboned salmon chunk




 Blend together cheese, sour cream and Mayo.

 Mix and blend until smooth.

Then add in Mrs. Grass onion soup mix and blend together then mix in salmon flakes and  blend on high with beaters until desired consistency.


Notes & Variations:


If you like the dip a little chunky reduce the blending time.

This same recipe can be used for clam/smoked sturgeon/shrimp/and just plain onion chip dip too!




Contributor:  Richard Sharp, RRGC

Blackened Salmon

Number of Servings: 4




2 pounds salmon fillets (no skin)


Cajun Creole Blackened Seasoning




Cut salmon fillets into 1/4 inch strips.

Put butter in a large cast iron skillet and heat.

Sprinkle a liberal amount of Cajun Creole seasoning in skillet.

Place salmon strips in skillet and sprinkle on a liberal amount of seasoning.

Cook for 5 minutes then turn salmon strips and cook for 3 more minutes and serve.


Notes & Variations:


Contributor:  Gaylord Pyle, RRGC

Smoked Salmon Soup

Number of Servings:  4




1 cup smoked salmon

3 medium to large white potatoes (diced)

1/2 cup diced celery

1/4 cup diced onion

1 pint half & half

Salt and pepper to taste

Cooking oil




Place a small amount of oil in a four quart cooking pan.  Cook celery and onion until tender.

Add potatoes and enough water to just cover and bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are done.

Drain part of the liquid off.  

Add smoked salmon and cream, then simmer 5 minutes at low boil.

Add you favorite type of cheese (optional).  

Serve immediately.



Contributor:  Randy McBride

Smoked Salmon/Trout

Number of Servings:  Varies




Little Lake Lodge Brine


3 gallons water

4 pounds salt (non iodized)

1/2 pound brown sugar

10 ounces vinegar




Clean and fillet salmon, steelhead or large trout.  If going to hang in smoker, leave collarbone just below gill to give it support while hanging.  Small fish should be cleaned and left whole with heads on.  Large fillets should be cut into 2 or 3 pieces, depending on size.  Ideally the fillets should be less than 1 inch thick - if thicker, trim flesh from top.  Trimmings can be used in other dishes.  Always leave skin on.


When preparing brine, boil the water and then add dry ingredients, mix well until dissolved.  Cool and then add remaining ingredients.  Layer fish pieces flesh side down in the brine and weigh down.  Cover and refrigerate overnight or for approximately 8 hours.  If fish are fairly slimy when getting ready to brine, rinse and soak fish in a 70% brine solution (1/2 cup salt in a quart of water) for 30 minutes.  Wash with clean water and put into the brine.


After brining, rinse and rub the fish under cold running water to remove all traces of salt and spices.  Dry and hang or lay flat, skin side down on racks to dry in air (2-3 hours) until thin shiny skin (pellicle) has formed all over outside.  Fish should feel firm and have a glazed look.  This is a protective skin on the surface which seals in fish juices and prevents protein in the flesh from coagulating and forming white curds on the surface.


Add wood chips, start your smoker and heat it up prior to placing the fish.  Hang whole fish or fillets with collars with “S” hooks through gills or under collars.  Place fish fillet pieces on greased racks, skin side down and smoke 6-10 hours, refueling with wood as needed.  Alternate lower rack and upper rack during smoking.


When finished smoking, fish should be firm but not dry and leathery.  If no temperature control in smoker or internal temperature has not reached 145 degrees F, the fish can be microwaved on high for 1 1/2 minutes, turned, and microwaved another 1 1/2 minutes.


Cool, wrap in wax paper, package tightly and refrigerate.  Fish should keep at least 3 months in refrigerator.


Notes & Variations:


Woods that can be used include alder, apple, hickory, maple, birch, ash, oak and willow.  Soft or resinous wood should not be used, as it will blacken the fish and give it an undesirable flavor.  This would include pine, fir, etc.  Try soaking wood in fruit juice - apple, orange, etc.


Contributor:  Jerry Zeitler, RRGC

Poached Salmon

Number of Servings:  3-4




4 pound piece of fresh salmon

1 cup water

2 ribs celery, chopped

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon pepper




Wrap salmon in cheesecloth and knot ends to secure.  Bring water to a boil and add the fish.  Add onion, celery, salt and pepper.  Cover and simmer for 25 minutes.

Carefully remove the salmon so as not to break the fish.  

Remove the cheesecloth and place salmon on a platter and serve.


Notes & Variations:


Contributor:  Ben Webb, RRGC

Smoked Salmon In Foil

Number of Servings:  4-6




4 salmon fillets

2 Romano tomatoes sliced thin

1/4 cup green onion tops

Pinch of salt

Pinch of pepper

Zesty Italian dressing




Take salmon fillets and place into smoker.  Fill chip pan with apple chips and smoke for one pan of smoke (about 45 minutes). Keep smoker temperature low by opening the lid or door a small amount.  Try to not exceed 90 degrees F.

Remove the fillets from the smoker and place each piece on a sheet of aluminum foil.  Salt and pepper to taste.

Place 4 to 5 slices of tomatoes on top the fillets, sprinkle a few green onion tops on top of the tomatoes.  Now fold up the edges of the foil so liquid will not run out.  

Add about 1 1/2 tablespoons of Zesty Italian Dressing over the fish and then seal the foil.

Place in 350 degree F oven or on a barbeque until done.  Cook 15 to 25 minutes depending on thickness of fillets.


Notes & Variations:


This recipe can be used for steelhead, sturgeon and halibut.


Contributor:  Randy McBride

Smoked Salmon With Pasta

Number of Servings:  4-6




1 cup smoked salmon

1/2 cup whipping cream

1/2 cup milk

1/4 cup chopped fresh dill

1/4 cup chopped green onion

1 teaspoon grated lemon peel

6 ounces angel hair pasta

Fresh grated parmesan cheese

Salt and pepper




Boil pasta in large pot of salt water until "al dente", drain and return to pot.

In a small saucepan, combine whipping cream, milk, dill, onion, and lemon peel.

Bring to a boil over medium-high heat.

Add salmon and sauce to pasta.

Toss to mix, salt and pepper to taste, top with fresh grated parmesan and serve immediately.


Notes & Variations:


Garlic bread goes great with this dish!


Contributor:  Randy McBride

Smoke Vault BBQ Salmon
Alder Grilled Salmon
Smoked Salmon With Pasta
Smoked Salmon Soup
Smoked Salmon In Foil
Blackened Salmon
Poached Salmon
Smoked Salmon Dip! 3-2-1
Smoked Salmon Dip
Smoked Salmon Artichoke Dip
Smoked Salmon/Trout
1909 Cooked Trout

Alder Grilled Salmon

Number of Servings: 4-6




3-4 pound salmon fillet with skin

1 cup butter

2 lemons

1/2 cup white cooking wine

Sprinkle of lemon pepper

Sprinkle of chopped parsley

Sprinkle of brown sugar




Begin by soaking fine alder chips and starting a charcoal fire in barbeque grill.  

Then make a foil boat with heavy duty aluminum foil.  Place salmon in foil boat with skin side down.

Melt butter in sauce pan.  Add juice from lemons and white wine to sauce pan and stir while warming.

When warm, pour sauce over salmon; then sprinkle fillet lightly with lemon pepper.  Finally apply heavy sprinkle of chopped parsley.

When coals are glowing red spread evenly and add soaked alder chips over coals.  

Place salmon boat on metal cooking pan and put on grill; then cover.

Cooking time will vary with size of fillet, fire and weather.

Monitor closely to avoid over cooking!  Sauce in boat will begin to sizzle and white fat will come to surface of fillet as salmon cooks.

To avoid burning the sauce in boat additional basting is recommended.

Cook until flesh flakes with a fork or monitor with digital meat thermometer (145 degrees F).

When salmon is cooked remove from grill, baste again and add light sprinkle of brown sugar.

Place salmon boat on serving tray and place in warmer to rest.  Garnish with fresh parsley and serve on warmed dinner plates.


Notes & Variations:


For best fillet results, smaller kinds of salmon are preferred, i.e., reds, silver, chums, etc.  For best grilling results with the larger King Salmon, they should be staked.  Other kinds of wood chips can also be used but alder is the traditional choice of the Native American tribes of the Pacific Northwest.


Contributor:  Bob Kolowith, RRGC





The 60 pound King Salmon shown here is a Kenai River, Alaska, fish caught by my son Mark.  The Kenai River boasts a world class salmon and steelhead fishery.  The sport fishing world record King Salmon was caught on the Kenai and weighed over 90 pounds.

Smoke Vault BBQ Salmon

Number Served: 2-4




1-2 pounds salmon fillet with skin

1 tablespoon lemon juice

Sprinkle of lemon pepper

Sprinkle parsley

2 tablespoons butter

Original C.J. Gourmet Barbecue Sauce

1 sliced white onion




Place layer of sliced onions in foil boat; then add fillet (skin side down).

Season fillet with sprinkle of lemon pepper and parsley.

Melt butter, add lemon juice and pour over fillet.

Add wetted alder chips to chip tray.

Place foil boats in smoke vault and set at 275 degrees F.

Turn on gas and cook for about 40 minutes (fish should be flakey).

Brush on C.J.'s Barbecue Sauce and cook for aproximately ten more minutes.


Notes & Variations:


Smoke vaults are a new product for outdoor gas cooking and offer better temperature and moisture controls than previous products.  This recipe will work well with any salmon; however, large King salmon should be steaked for the best results.


Contributor: Darren O'Leary

Baked Salmon

Number Served: Varies




Salmon fillets

Lemon juice

Mrs. Dash seasoning

Best Foods Mayo

Bacon bits




Place fillets on a foil lined pan and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Cover with Mrs. Dash seasoning.

Spread with Best Foods Mayo and then sprinkle bacon bits on top.

Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees F.

Bake about 5 to 10 minutes.


Notes & Variations:


Do not over cook


Contributor: Delia Teeple, RRGC

Baked Salmon
1857 Fish Chowder

1857 Fish Chowder


Cut the fish in pieces of an inch thick and two inches square.   Take half a dozen large slices of salt pork, and lay in the bottom of an iron pot, and fry till crisped.  Take the pork out of the fat, a layer of split crackers, some of the chopped pork, black and red pepper, and onion chopped fine, then another layer of fish, split crackers, &c.  Continue this till all the fish is used.  Barely cover the fish with water, and slowly stew it till it is tender.  Then take out the fish, and thicken the gravy with pounded cracker, and season it with mushroom, catsup, and the juice of a lemon.  Pour the gravy over the fish, after it has boiled up once.  Garnish it with slices of lemon.



The Great Western Cook Book 1857

Jack's Bass Delight

Number of Servings - 4




1 cup Beer Batter mix (McCormick)

2/3 cup beer (any brand)

4 medium bass fillets



Lemon pepper

Peanut oil or Miracle oil




Open the beer and leave it in the refrigerator overnight to go flat.

Mix beer batter mix and beer until smooth and let it sit in refrigerator.

Wash fillets thoroughly removing any bones and fat that were missed.

Pat fillets dry with paper towels and cut 2 inch wide strips from back to belly.

Season fillets with salt, pepper and lemon pepper.

Put about 2 inches of Peanut oil in a deep fryer and heat to 325 degrees F.

Dip strips in beer batter with long tongs and put in hot oil carefully.

Let cook for 1 to 2 minutes depending on the thickness of fillets.

Remove the cooked strips from the oil and put them into a brown paper bag with several layers of paper towels in the bottom.

Close the bag to keep them warm while the rest are cooked.

Serve up with you favorite tartar sauce and lemon wedges.


Notes & Variation:


The amount of peanut oil added to the deep fryer will depend on the size of the unit. Add enough oil so the fish fillets can be submerged in the oil.  If you have a tall unit add sufficient oil so you don't get burned when placing the fish in the oil.


It is best to cook the fish outside - the smell of deep fried fish stays in the house for quite awhile.


The recipes is also excellent with crappie, perch, and walleyes.


Contributor: Jack Pickard, RRGC

Blackened Catfish Alfredo

Number of Servings: 6 to 8    




6-8 medium fillets catfish

2 - tablespoons olive oil

1 blackened fish spice (pkg. Drakes)

1 jar creamy Alfredo sauce or roasted garlic

8 oz fettuccine noodles.




Boil noodles.

Heat Alfredo sauce in separate pan.

Take catfish fillet and remove all brown from outside fillet. Cut into small 1 inch squares and sprinkle with spice mix.

Fry in hot oil until starting to blacken and flake; then remove from heat.

Place generous amount noodles on plate and sprinkle fish over noodles. Then pour or ladle Alfredo sauce over top.


Notes & Variations:


This is excellent with salmon/ steelhead, bass and walleye too!


Contributor:  Richard Sharp, RRGC

BBQ Sturgeon (Smoked)

Number of Servings: 2-4




1-2 pound fillet chunk

4-5 wood chunks large Alder/Hickory

2-4 ounces honey

Lemon pepper

Flat beer

2 tablespoons butter

1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese




Soak wood chunks for 10 minutes in warm water and place onto bottom of BBQ for smoke flavor.

Take fillet and butter like a slice of bread and place onto foil folded to make boat/tray butter side down.

Pour honey crisscross across fillet and sprinkle top with lemon pepper. Place onto BBQ.

Cook for 10 minutes pour 1/4 can beer into tray and drink remainder of can.

Cook another 10-15 minutes until flakes then grate cheese over top.

Cook until cheese is melted.


Serve with wild rice and Brussels sprouts/ green beans


Notes & Variations:


Fish preparation: Catch Sturgeon! Keep cool! Remove skin from fish then fillet into two fillets. With knife remove the brown colored meat on the outside of the fillet. Cut into 1-2 pound sections and wash with cold water.


Contributor: Richard Sharp, RRGC

Poor Man Lobster (Sturgeon)
BBQ Sturgeon (Smoked)
Jack's Bass Delight
Blackened Catfish Alfredo

Poor Man Lobster (Sturgeon)

Number of Servings: 2-4




1-2 pound sturgeon fillet

4 tablespoons butter

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder




Cut fillet into "1X1 "squares.

Fill pan with 3-4 cups water and bring to boil.

Add sturgeon squares and boil rapidly until fish floats to surface.

Remove from water and drain onto paper towels.

Microwave butter and garlic powder until melted and stir together.

Dip fish into butter and garlic mix and enjoy all you want!


Notes & Variations:


Fish preparation: Catch Sturgeon! Keep cool! Remove skin from fish then fillet into two fillets. With knife remove the brown colored meat on the outside of the fillet. Cut into 1-2 pounds sections and wash with cold water.


Contributor:  Richard Sharp, RRGC

Honey Baked Sturgeon!

Number of Servings: 2-4




1-2 pound fresh sturgeon fillet

garlic salt (Pinch)

2 tablespoon butter.

3-4 ounces honey

Lemon pepper.




Set oven to 350 degrees and place fillet on greased (buttered) foil in baking pan.

Microwave butter, garlic salt, honey until hot then stir.  Pour over fish and then sprinkle lemon pepper over top to taste!

Cook for 30 minutes until flakes. After 15 minutes baste with juices.

Serve with wild rice and asparagus.


Notes & Variations:


Catch Sturgeon! Keep cool! Remove skin from fish then fillet into two fillets. With knife remove the brown colored meat on the outside of the fillet. Cut into 1-2 pound sections and wash with cold water.


Contributor:  Richard Sharp, RRGC

Honey Baked Sturgeon!

Deep Fried Sturgeon!

Number of Servings: 2-4




1-2 pound sturgeon fillet

1/4 cup bread crumbs

1/2 cup Krustez bake and coating mix

 Vegetable oil.

 1 teaspoon lemon pepper!




Cut small pieces of fish from 1-2 pound sections of fish.  Wash in cold water and let soak for 10 minutes. Into plastic Ziploc bag place bread crumbs and coating mix and lemon pepper. Remove fish from bowl and shake off excess water and place into bag and shake until all fish is coated place into fry pan with 1/4 inch hot vegetable oil.  Fry until crisp brown and flip/turn with fork. Cook until crisp and remove to paper towels to drain.


Serve with scalloped potatoes and asparagus.


Notes & Variations:


Catch Sturgeon! Keep cool! Remove skin from fish then fillet into two fillets. With knife remove the brown colored meat on the outside of the fillet. Cut into 1-2 pound sections and wash with cold water.


This is excellent with all fish: salmon/steelhead, bass, walleye too!


Contributor: Richard Sharp, RRGC

Microwaved Fish

Number of Servings:  4



4 fillets of any fish

2 - 4 butter pats per fillet

2 cloves garlic per fillet

1 scallion or shallot per fillet

1/2 cup dry white wine

salt and pepper




Fillet fish so there is no skin on the meat.

Place fillets in casserole or covered dish large enough to lay fillets without layering meat.

Place 2-4 pats of butter under each fillet.

Season fillets with salt and pepper to taste.

Place sliced garlic cloves on fillets.

Place some scallions or shallots on fillets.

Add wine to casserole, cover and microwave on high for 5 minutes.


Notes & Variations:


The recipe is good using any fish with white meat such as cod, halibut, perch and walleye.  

Chicken broth can be substituted for the white wine.

It is also good using salmon, steelhead, or trout.


Contributor:  John Hall, RRGC

Pike Shore Lunch

Number of Servings: 4




4 pounds pike fillets cut into chunks approximately 2X4 inches

3 large potatoes (steaked)

4 ears sweet corn lightly oiled and wrapped in foil

1 quart vegetable oil

3 dozen saltine crackers rolled in large Ziploc bag

1/2 cup flour in large Ziploc bag

2 eggs

2 teaspoons of milk

1 small tub of butter

Catsup (optional)

Tartar sauce (optional)




After a successful morning of pike fishing, begin by finding a safe place to build a fire for your shore lunch.  Look for old fire pits on large flat granite slabs along the shore.  Split the fishing party into two work parties.  One party will ready the fire pit for your small camp grill and large cast iron pan (should be at least 15 inches by 3 inches deep).  After the fire pit is properly sized, remove the pan and grill and begin setting the fire.  Dry wood is preferred but charcoal can also be added.


The second work party should begin by filleting and chunking approximately 4 pounds of the morning catch.  The chunks can then be breaded on a clean cutting board by first shaking the fish chunks in flour in the Ziplock bag.  Next remove chunks and roll in small bowl of whipped eggs combined with milk.  Remove chunks from bowl and shake in bag of cracker crumbs.


Allow time for fire to generate hot coals, while enjoying a "cold one" and swapping fish tales.  When the coals are ready place the grill and pan on the fire pit and add the steaked potatoes.  When golden brown remove potatoes and place in a covered serving bowl.


Now add lightly oiled sweet corn still in husks and wrapped in foil to edges of the grill.

Also add breaded fish to pan of hot oil.  Cook fish until golden brown while turning sweet corn to prevent burning.


When fish and corn are ready, begin serving.


Try it if you have the chance.  You will find it's hard to beat a pike shore lunch on a remote lake in the far north.


Notes & Variations:


Seasoning of the potatoes, corn and fish is best left to the individual.  While the shore lunch is a rich tradition in the far north, it can be enjoyed elsewhere.  Also the northern pike can be replaced by walleye, bass, panfish or even southern catfish.  Also the number of fish batter recipes is endless, the one described here is a favorite one because of its simplicity.


An important caution is to be sure open fires are permitted and be sure that the camp fire is completely drowned before you leave the lunch site.  It's a good idea to re-visit the camp site a few hours later and verify the fire pit is cold.


Contributor: Bob Kolowith, RRGC





Shore lunches are a rich tradition in northern pike and walleye country.  Native American have been doing it for centuries.  I was first introduced to the shore lunch experience on a remote wilderness pike lake in northern Saskatchewan while on a father/son trip with an Native American guide many years ago .  It remains one of my fondest memories.  If you get the chance, don't pass it up.


Good fishing!

Poached Whitefish
Microwaved Fish
Pike Shore Lunch
Deep Fried Sturgeon!

Poached Whitefish

Number of Servings: 2




2 fillets of Whitefish (skin on)

2 butter pats

Salt and pepper




Use a covered double boiler or raised bed on a covered roasting pan.  Use plain water for poaching.

Lay fillets skin side down on raised bed.

Salt and pepper to taste

Put 1 pat of butter on each fillet.

Poach until fillets are white and flaky - about 5 minutes.


Notes & Variations:


Whitefish may be poached with the skin removed from the fillets.

The entire fish may also be poached and the bones will separate easily.

Whitefish are generally used for smoking because they are very uniform in shape for consistent drying and smoking; however, they make excellent poached table fare.


Contributor: John Hall, RRGC

Carp With Horseradish Cream

Number Served: 6-8




3-4 pounds whole carp scaled without head

1/2 cup vinegar


1 onion

Pepper and allspice

2 pounds small round potatoes - peeled

1 bundle of parsley

1/4 pound butter

1 cup whipped cream


3 tablespoons horseradish

Salt and pepper to taste




Wash the carp inside but only rinse the outside so the skin is not damaged.

Place the fish, skin side up on a tray with an upside down tea cup in the cavity  to hold it up a bit.  Pour boiling vinegar over the skin.

In a large pot boil 2 quarts of salted water with onion slices, pepper and allspice.  

Place the fish in the pot and simmer for about 30 minutes.   

Cook potatoes in a little salt water about 20 minutes. Drain  and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.  

Melt the butter on the potatoes and whip the cream till stiff and add in some sugar.  

Stir in the horseradish.  Salt and pepper to taste.

Arrange the carp on the platter with lemon wedges and cover the fish with the horseradish cream.


Notes & Variations:


Contributor:  Mike Estes, RRGC




In the late 1880's the U.S. Fish Commission imported German Carp and envisioned the carp would be raised in ponds, harvested and sold in markets. Carp has never become a food source as planned by the Commission but if caught during the right time of year, in a clean location and properly cooked, they can be excellent fare.  The RRGClub received three carp recipes from a Northwest family that describes (in German) how carp can be prepared and served.  The recipes were a little vague in places so some judgments were necessary.  The Club extends special thanks to Bonnie for translating the recipes and suggesting some clarifications.

Baked Musky

Number Served: 4




6 (8oz) musky fillet

2 medium onions sliced thin

2 1/2 cups mayonnaise

1/4 cup Dijon mustard

1 1/2 cups dry bread crumbs

1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese

2 tablespoons sherry, white wine and lemon juice

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon dill weed

Minced garlic, dill weed, salt and lemon pepper to taste




Sauté onions and minced garlic in olive oil until translucent.

Remove from heat and drain excess liquids.  

Spread sautéed onions on the bottom of an 8x14x2 inch casserole dish and sprinkle with sherry, white wine and lemon juice.

Lightly season onions with dill seed, salt and lemon pepper.

Mix mayonnaise, Dijon mustard and dill weed.  

Dip musky fillets into mayonnaise mixture, coating them on both sides and lay them on top of the onions.

Season lightly with salt and lemon pepper.

Mix the bread crumbs with Parmesan cheese and sprinkle over the top of the fillets.

Bake uncovered in a 325 degree F oven for 10 to 15 minutes or until the musky flakes and crumbs are lightly browned.


Notes & Variations:


This recipe works well with many other white flesh fish such as bass, walleyes, and halibut.

A fine pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc pairs well with this musky recipe.


Contributor: Bob Kolowith, RRGC

Carp In Beer-Mustard Sauce

Number Served: 6-8





3 1/2 quarts fish stock

1/2 cup white wine

1/2 cup Hefeweizen beer

1/4  pound uncooked potatoes cut in small cubes (brunoise)

3/8 pound uncooked vegetables (leeks, turnips and carrots) - small cubes (brunoise)

Mustard seed

Bay leaves



Vegetable Dishes

2 pounds fresh spinach leaves


Salt, nutmeg, and white pepper to taste

2 pounds potatoes




3 pounds carp filets - thinly sliced

Salt, lemon juice, and soy sauce to taste

2 tablespoons buttery flavored Crisco





Soak mustard seeds overnight in water to soften, then rinse.

Place all the ingredients in a pot and simmer for about 15 minutes.

Add cornstarch and stir.  Continue adding cornstarch until the sauce has a consistency of a gravy.

Set aside and keep warm.


Vegetable Dishes

Slice the potatoes (about 1/4 inch thick slices) using a special knife to make a waffle pattern.

Bake the potato slices in oil.

Saute spinach leaves in butter and add salt, nutmeg, and white pepper to taste.



Season the carp filets with salt, lemon juice and soy sauce to taste.

Pan fry in buttery flavored Crisco till pieces are crisp.


Pour the sauce over the carp filets and arrange the spinach and potatoes attractively.


Notes & Variations:


Brunoise is a method of food preparation in which the food item is first julienned and then turned 90° and diced again, producing cubes of a side length of about 3 mm on each side or less.  If you want to see how the waffle potatoes are prepared click here Waffelkartoffel.


Contributor: Mike Estes, RRGC





In the late 1880's the U.S. Fish Commission imported German Carp and envisioned the carp would be raised in ponds, harvested and sold in markets. Carp has never become a food source as planned by the Commission but if caught during the right time of year, in a clean location and properly cooked, they can be excellent fare.  The RRGClub received three carp recipes from a Northwest family that describes (in German) how carp can be prepared and served.  The recipes were a little vague in places so some judgments were necessary.  The Club extends special thanks to Bonnie for translating the recipes and suggesting some clarifications.


Serbian Carp

Number Served: 4





1/2 cup oil

4 cloves of garlic, crushed

salt, white pepper

chopped parsley

lemon juice



2 pounds carp filets



Oil for frying




Layer carp in a shallow dish and cover with the marinade.

Cover with a plate to hold it down in the marinade.

Let sit for a few hours in the refrigerator.

Remove the fish and allow the marinade to drip off.

Salt and flour the fish.  

Heat oil in a pan and fry till crisp


Notes & Variations:


Contributor:  Mike Estes, RRGC




In the late 1880's the U.S. Fish Commission imported German Carp and envisioned the carp would be raised in ponds, harvested and sold in markets. Carp has never become a food source as planned by the Commission but if caught during the right time of year, in a clean location and properly cooked, they can be excellent fare.  The RRGClub received three carp recipes from a Northwest family that describes (in German) how carp can be prepared and served.  The recipes were a little vague in places so some judgments were necessary.  The Club extends special thanks to Bonnie for translating the recipes and suggesting some clarifications.

1877 Baked Shad

Open and clean the fish, cut off its head (or not as preferred), cut out the backbone from the head to within two inches of the tail, and fill with the following mixture:  Soak stale bread in water, squeeze dry; cut a large onion in pieces, fry in butter, chop fine, add the bread, two ounces of butter, salt, pepper, and a little parsley or sage; heat thoroughly, and when taken from the fire, add two yolks of well-beaten eggs; stuff, and when full, wind the fish several times with tape, place in baking pan, baste slightly with butter, and cover the bottom of pan with water; serve with the following sauce:  Reduce the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs to a smooth paste, add two tablespoons olive oil, half teaspoon mustard, and pepper and vinegar to taste.



Buckeye Cookery - 1877

Broiled Shad

Number of Servings - 2




1 shad (3-4 lbs)

1 lemon

1 cup wine of your choice

4-6 bacon strips

salt (to taste)




Clean and split the shad and place the two halves skin side down in a shallow glass baking dish.

Squeeze juice from the lemon and add wine.

Lightly salt the fish, then brush the lemon juice/wine mixture onto the meat.

Place 2-3 bacon strips lengthwise on each side of fish.

Slowly pour the remaining wine mixture over the fish and allow it to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

Place dish about 2  inches below oven broiler for about 15 minutes, but check meat at 10 minutes for doneness. Do not turn fish.


Contributor:  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Broiled Shad
1877 Baked Shad
Baked Musky
Serbian Carp
Carp With Horseradish Cream
Carp In Beer-Mustard Sauce

Sauteed Shad Roe

Number of Servings - 2




Basic preparation:


 Shad roe (4 sacs)

 2 tablespoons. lemon juice, or

 2 tablespoons. dry white wine




Place pricked membrane(s) in saucepan and cover with boiling water plus lemon juice or wine. Simmer from 3 to 12 minutes, depending on size. Drain and cool. Remove the membrane for baking; membrane can be left for sauteing and frying.  Add salt if desired. The roe is now ready for recipe use.


Sauteed roe:


4 sacs parboiled roe


Seasonings (chopped chives, parsley, minced shallots, basil)




Parboiled roe, still in the membrane, can be sauteed in a few tablespoons of butter, with the addition of seasonings of your choice (chopped chives, parsley, minced shallots, tarragon, basil, etc.).


Notes & Variations:


Before parboiling shad roe to prepare it for recipe use, prick the membrane containing the eggs with a needle to prevent the sac from bursting and splattering the tiny eggs. Always cook shad roe gently, with very low heat, to avoid overcooking and ending up with roe that is dry and tasteless.


The parboiled roe can also be dipped in beaten egg, rolled in flour or cornmeal, and pan fried in shortening or bacon drippings.


The roe (eggs) from shad is considered choice, on the same culinary plane as

caviar, although used somewhat differently. In addition to being used for hors

d'oeuvres and garnishes, shad roe can be sauteed, baked in sauce, broiled and



Sauteed roe is often served at breakfast with bacon, eggs and grits.


Contributor:  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

RRGC Halibut Chowder

Number of Servings:Large Group




5 pounds bacon (diced)

14-18 pounds halibut cubed (3/4 - 1 inch)

1 gallon water

1/2 gallon cream

1 tablespoon black pepper

7-8 pounds onions (finely chopped)

15-18 pounds raw potatoes (diced)

4 gallons milk

10 tablespoons salt

Cooking oil




Saute bacon and onions in hot oil, add fish and cook until just done.  Remove fish and reserve.

Combine water, bacon, onion, potatoes, salt and pepper.  Simmer until potatoes are done.  Add milk, cream and reserved fish.  Place over double boiler and heat.


Notes & Variations:


Contributor:  Jerry Zeitler, RRGC

RRGC Halibut Chowder
Sauteed Shad Roe

Baked Striped Bass Fillets

Number of Servings: 4




2 pounds Striped bass fillets

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1/8 teaspoon paprika

1 tablespoon butter

1 tablespoon flour

salt and lemon pepper

1/2 cup milk

1/4 cup buttered bread crumbs

1 bunch fresh parsley

1 red bell pepper




Cut fillets in serving pieces and place in greased shallow baking dish.  Sprinkle with lemon juice, paprika, salt and pepper.

Melt butter in saucepan.  Blend in flour and add dash of salt and pepper.  Add milk then cook and stir until thick and bubbly.

Pour sauce over fillets and sprinkle with bread crumbs.

Bake in 350 degree F oven for 35 minutes.

Garnish with parsley and sliced red peppers.


Notes & Variations:


This baked fish fillet recipe also works well with other fish such as halibut, walleye, perch, crappie, etc.


Contributor:  Bob Kolowith,  RRGC



Striped bass are saltwater fish that spawn in fresh water and are native to most of the Atlantic coast states.  "Stripers" are a favorite coastal sport fish from Massachusetts to North Carolina and these strong fighters have been caught weighing over 60 pounds.

Striped bass have also been introduced to many large reservoirs in the South.  They have adopted well in some.  Although not as large as their saltwater cousins, they have been caught weighing over 40 pounds in a few of these reservoirs.  The Striper shown here was caught in Lake Murry near Columbia, South Carolina in late December when the big fish come into shallow water.  She was caught on lightweight spinning tackle after a 40 minute battle and won Field & Stream freshwater "Striper Of The Year" in South Carolina.

Redfish Almondine

Number of Servings:  4




2 pounds Redfish fillets cut into serving pieces

1/2 cup slivered almonds

1/2 lemon

1/2 cup butter

2 tablespoons parsley

Lemon pepper and salt to taste

Sprinkle of extra-virgin olive oil




Begin by browning slivered almonds on stovetop skillet in 1/4 cup butter.  Stir almonds constantly and squeeze in lemon juice when browning begins.  Lemon juice will accelerate browning.  Remove skillet from heat and quickly remove browned almonds and butter to sauce pan.

Place browned almonds, fish serving tray and dinner plates into warmer.

Next grill fish over medium coals on an outdoor grill or on medium heat in a stovetop skillet.

Since it is very easy to overcook fish, the best control can be achieved with a cast iron skillet over a stove.

Add a sprinkle of extra-virgin olive oil to hot skillet and add remaining 1/4 cup of butter.  When butter is melted add fillets.  Watch for flesh to begin turning white, then cook other side of fillets until flaking begins.

Quickly place fillets on serving tray and sprinkle with parsley and lemon pepper.

Now pour almonds and butter sauce over fillets.  Let fillets rest in warmer for 5 minutes before serving on warm dinner plates.


Notes & Variations:


For best results on the outdoor grill, leave the skin on fillets.

This "almondine" recipe can be used with other white flesh fish such as halibut, walleye, perch, etc.


Contributor: Bob Kolowith, RRGC





The first time I experienced this almondine presentation was in a fine French-Creole restaurant in the Frenchquarter of New Orleans in the 60's.  The "Trout Almondine"on the menu was prepared with Spotted Weak Fish, called "Speckled Trout" in the deep South.  This recipe remains one of my favorite.


The Redfish is a prized saltwater fish in the South from Texas to the Carolinas.  These fish spend their first few years in coastal saltwater marshes.  A marsh flats "Red" of 15 pounds is considered a real trophy.  The Red pictured here was caught in the marsh flats off the South Carolina coast one early April afternoon when everything came together; tides, weather and available marsh flats forage.  In less than 2 hours 27 Reds between 8 and 16 pounds were boated.  Eleven were over 10 pounds.  All but one was released.


These fish were caught by "sight" fishing in less than 2 feet of water on lightweight spinning tackle.  Their line stripping runs were long and explosive.  Many times my son, Mark, and I both were battling one of these hogs at the same time.


After Reds reach about 15 pounds these big spawners stay in deep water and continue to grow to over 40 pounds.  However, they are fewer and with the added weight become slower and more dogged.  These  spawners are protected in most states and are not really targeted like their marsh flat brethren.   Good Fishing!

Smoked Fish Spread

Number of Servings:  Varies




1 cup smoked fish

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

1/4 teaspoon lemon juice




Take the smoked fish and slice or flake into a bowl.

Let the fish air dry until it is very dry, almost hard.

Place in food processor and grind to a fine consistency.

Place back in the bowl and add all remaining ingredients.

Mix well and if desired, add more mayonnaise to make the spread moister.


Notes & Variations:


Spread on crackers or slices of your favorite bread


Contributor: Randy McBride

Ling Cod Battered Fish

Number of Servings: 4



Beer Batter

     1 1/2 cup flour

     1 teaspoon salt

     1/4 teaspoon white or fresh ground pepper

     1 tablespoon Canola oil

     2 beaten egg yolks

     3/4 cup flat beer

2 egg whites


Hot Sauce

     1/2 cup ketchup

     1 tablespoon prepared horseradish

     1 teaspoon lemon juice

     1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce

     1/2 teaspoon pepper hot sauce (or to taste)


4 medium fillets Ling Cod



Combine flour, salt, pepper, Canola oil, eggs yolks and then add beer.  Cover and refrigerate for 3 hours up to over night.  

Just before using, fold in 2 stiffly beaten egg whites.

Mix hot sauce ingredients and refrigerate.

Completely coat pieces of fillets with batter and deep fry in clean oil at 375 degrees F until golden brown.  

It is best to use about the same size pieces for uniform cooking.


Serve and add hot sauce to taste.

Notes & Variations:

It makes the best fish and chips.


Contributor: John Hall,  RRGC

Baked Halibut Melt

Number of Servings: 4




2 pounds halibut cut in serving size

2 tablespoons lemon juice

4 tablespoons butter

4 tablespoons flour

2 cups hot milk

3/4 cup grated Cheddar cheese

3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese

2 boiled eggs, diced

Salt and pepper

Fresh parsley




Broil halibut 15 minutes. Place in buttered baking dish and sprinkle lemon juice over fish.

Melt butter in small pan then add flour and cook 1 minute.  Add milk, bring to boil and season.  Cook until thick.

Fold in cheese and pour over fish.

Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees F for 20 minutes.

Garnish with eggs, parsley and serve on warm plates.


Notes & Variations:


Halibut are highly prized table fare in the Pacific Northwest.  This saltwater fish has a delicate flavor with flaky white meat.  While Alaskan halibut approaching 300 pounds are caught annually, the best eating size is 15 to 30 pound fish.


This recipe works well with many other saltwater fish such as Red Snapper. Ling cod, Redfish, Sea Bass, etc.  Variations in cheeses also offer a nice change of pace.


Contributor:  Bob Kolowith, RRGC

Shad With Bones Disintegrated

Number of Servings:  2-3




Shad (whole)

2-3 cups water

1 medium onion finely chopped

2 stalks celery chopped

1 bay leaf




Invert a Pyrex dish in the bottom of a roasting pan large enough to contain a cleaned whole shad.

Add water, onion, celery and bay leaf to pan.

Place shad on top of dish so it is out of water.

Cover and bake for 5 hours at 300 degrees F.

Baste shad several times and add water if necessary.

Just before serving, remove cover to let the shad brown a little.

Serve shad whole and let diners help themselves.


Notes & Variations:


Immediately after killing the shad, scale it with a large spoon or the back of a knife. If you let the shad dry, you have to pull the scales off almost individually with a pliers. Clean out the insides and remove the head (including the gills), fins and tail. Wrap in plastic and put in a cooler or freeze until cooking.


Contributor:  Howard Gardner, RRGC ( as adapted from Fishery Leaflet 30, U.S. Dept. of Interior)





I have cooked shad this way many times and it's very good. The bones are just like those in canned salmon and can be eaten along with the flesh.

Baked Halibut or Salmon

Number Served: Varies




1 fillet of halibut or salmon


1/2 cup Best Foods Mayo

2 tablespoons Parmesan

Dash of garlic powder

Dash of lemon pepper

1 green onion (chopped)




Mix topping ingredients and let stand at least an hour in refrigerator.

Place fillet on foil lined pan and spread topping over the fish.

Pre-heat the oven at 425 degrees F.

Bake for about 10 minutes.


Notes & Variations:


Do not over cook.


Contributor:  Delia Teeple, RRGC

Baked Halibut or Salmon
Shad With Bones Disintegrated
Baked Halibut Melt
Ling Cod Battered Fish
Smoked Fish Spread
Redfish Almondine
Baked Striped Bass Fillets

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