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 July 2024, Volume 79 No. 7

Club Website-

Club Facebook-

2024 Officers


Richard Sharp

(509) 551-6785


Mike Estes

(509) 551-9066


Richard Libby

(509) 947-0498

RRGC Logo.png
RRGC Tax Status and Address.png





Youth Conservation Camp

RRGC only received one application to attend the 2024 Washington State Youth Conservation Camps at Orcas Island this year.  RRGC typically sponsors several girls and boys to camp each year. The Board approved the application of Adelaide Gervais, age 15, to attend the girls’ camp.  Adelaide is the daughter of club members Todd and Leighsa Gervais.   

Final 2024 Hunter Education Classes

The two remaining scheduled classes this year will be evening classes on July 8-12 with range day on Saturday July 13, and September 9-13 with range day on Saturday September 14.  Registration for each class will open approximately 30 days prior to the first day of the class.  Register on line at Hunter education training | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. For more information contact Chief Instructor Ron Ruth at  


RRGC Receives Another Team Battelle Grant


We received notice in late May that RRGC has been awarded a grant in the amount of $1,000.00 as part of PNNL’s Team Battelle grant program.  This grant is for general program support for the club’s various activities. The check is issued by the Columbus Foundation on behalf of Battelle which operates Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland.  Thanks to Dale Schielke and Richard Sharp for securing this grant.


Salmon in the Classroom and Salmon Summit Recognition


The Benton Conservation District acknowledged the support of RRGC members for these programs by presenting the club with two framed photo collages at our June meeting.  Gene Van Liew has chaired RRGC’s involvement in these activities for many years and will be presented one of the collages by President Sharp.  Thanks to each of you who has delivered fish tank supplies and salmon eggs and food to the classrooms, delivered salmon carcasses to the schools, dissected salmon for the students, helped with the Salmon Summit, or assisted in other ways to help make the program a HUGE success.    

Avian Predation Abatement

Alina Blankenship of Sky Guardian Falconry Abatement and Bird Removal out of Portland, Oregon attended our Board meeting in May to request the assistance of a boat with operator.  Alina is under contract with the Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation to harass pelicans along the Columbia River while the salmon smolt are migrating downstream. American white pelicans eat about 7 pounds of fish per day and consume many salmon smolt so keeping them harassed and off the river improves smolt survival.  During her presentation she introduced us to her dog, her hawk, and a baby hawk which is known as an eyas.  Larry Martin volunteered his boat and his time to assist Alina.  On June 7, Larry and Tim Irvin launched Larry's boat at Snyder Street in Richland and boated to Ringold to meet up with Alina, her Harris Hawk 'Dorn', Field Spaniel dog 'Bramble', and her two foot long RC boat.  The hawk, dog, and boat are all tools to help harass the birds.  Larry reported “We found a bunch of pelicans and chased them out of the area.  We were all busy: Alina tending the hawk and dog, Tim running the RC boat and me driving my boat made it tough to get pictures of the pelicans in the air but it was great fun. We ran up and down the river looking for pelicans. Good weather, slight breeze, great day, lots of fun.”  

Photo of the Month


This month’s winning photo shows Evan Kirkpatrick and his mother with a very large walleye (Evan’s personal best) caught while fishing with Mike Estes on the Columbia River on May 31, 2024.  The photo was taken by Evan’s father, Tim Kirkpatrick.  The fish was released to live another day.

Vice President

Evan Kirkpatrick

(414) 534-2817

Photo of the Month Contest Guidelines

  • Must be taken in current license year.

  • May include hunting, fishing, habitat, camping.

  • Must include a critter (human or wild).

  • Harvested game must include the hunter or angler.

  • Winners will be selected by the Board of Directors.

  • All photos become property of the Club.

  • Note: The Board may use discretion in applying the guidelines when selecting the winning photo.

  • Please include name of photographer and date taken.

  • To submit entry, Bring photo print to board meeting, or email to at least 6 hours before a board meeting.


Next General Meeting – September 3, 7:00 PM at Richland Public Library

Next Board Meeting- July 16, 7:00 PM at Griggs Pasco Hunter Ed room

August Newsletter Contribution Deadline is July 22.   




No General Meetings in July and August


We don’t meet during the summer to encourage members to enjoy vacations, barbeques, and time with family and friends but please plan to attend our annual picnic on August 6.  Our next general membership meeting will be on September 3.  The Board of Directors does continue to meet every month throughout the year.  We hope to see everyone at the picnic.  (See details below.)


Annual Picnic and Liars Contest – Save the Date


The annual RRGC potluck picnic will be August 6 at Leslie Groves Park Gazebo #1 in Richland.  Dinner will be at 5:00pm.  Cost is $3.00 per person.  The club will provide barbequed chicken and salmon, plates, cutlery, napkins, and drinks (bottled water and various canned soda).  Please bring a side or salad if your last name begins with A through L, or a dessert if it starts with M through Z. The Liars Contest will follow dinner with prizes awarded for first, second, and third place.  Bring your lawn chair and a good lie and join us for a fun relaxing evening in the park.  Even when it is hot there is usually a nice breeze by the river.  Take Davison or Harris Avenues to Park Street.  Turn east towards the river and continue into the parking area.  Gazebo #1 is just north of the swimming beach.  We hope to see you there!   


Moonlight Catfish Challenge Results – Richard Sharp


For those of you following the Catfish Challenge but did not participate, you truly missed another fun event!  The challenge began Friday, June 21 at 6:00pm. 13 participants signed up and headed out under a beautiful full moon and calm night which is perfect for catfishing! Many tactics were applied as some of the successes were due to a recent club general meeting featuring two of the best local catfish guides; Mark Hall of Afloat and Afield Adventures and Mike Posey of Ache'n Arms Guide Services who shared their insight on the best tactics for catching catfish. The following day, June 22, club members set up the weigh- in area and prepared the facilities (Gazebo #4 at Columbia Point Marina Park) for the catfish fry and potluck and waited for the fish to arrive. Only 8 participants brought fish to the scale by the 4:00pm weigh-in deadline.  The first to arrive were Tylor Davis, Levi Davis, Robert Davis, and OJ Davis with several ice chests of fish, followed by Evan Kirkpatrick, Micah Little, Brayden Wodtli and Richard Sharp. First place for most weight was Tylor Davis at 90.3 lbs., 2nd Place- Levi Davis at 65.4 lbs., 3rd Place- Robert Davis with 46.8 lbs., 4th place- Evan Kirkpatrick with 41.8 lbs., 5th place- OJ Davis with 35.3 lbs., 6th place- Richard Sharp 21.5 lbs., 7th place- Micah Little 2.4 lbs. and 8th place- Brayden Wodtli 2.2 lbs. Other returning participants who had the skunk on their back wished not to be named at this time. LOL!  Big fish honors went to Evan Kirkpatrick with an 11.1 lb. fat catfish!  The total weight brought to scale was 305.7 lbs. of fresh catfish.  Next was the fish preparation and fish fry. The Davis boys and a past club member stepped up and did the cleaning chores as others prepared their potluck dishes to be served.  Richard Sharp got the frying oil heated up and the fish fry began! Many dishes were brought to the potluck and all the “fixins” were available.  Nobody went home hungry!  All in all, it was a great event! No prizes or money were awarded as it was simply a gathering of likeminded individuals enjoying nature's bounty and comradery of our fellow man. Special thanks to Pete Workman for staying to the last and helping me load the truck after cleaning up! And great work from the Davis group plus one who did a fantastic job cleaning the fish!  Thank you to all that assisted and participated and made this event possible!


Become a member today!

Habitat Committee Report

Larry Martin reported at the June Board of Directors meeting that a team of Corrie Thorne-Hadley (WDFW), Jerry Bloom, Jack Pickard, Dave Miller, Jay Thomas & Larry repaired severely damaged Guzzler 13 on June 14. They installed a new tank and reset the fallen rain catchment aprons with metal legs. It was a lot of work but they got it done.  Guzzler 13 is located in Walla Walla County southeast of Pasco and approximately ten miles east of Wallula Junction.  Well done guys!  Before and after photos are shown below.

Download the July 2024 newsletter


Click this PDF icon to download the July 2024 newsletter

Update your contact information!

If you have changed your address, your phone number, or your email address please use this link and scroll to the bottom of the page where it says “Update My Contact Information”.


Richland volunteer opportunities for members (



Get involved in one of our Committees:

Salmon in the Classroom: Gene Van Liew –

Wild Game Dinner 2025:  Marilyn Steele –

Wood Ducks:  Dale Schielke –

KOE Kids Fishing Day:  Marilyn Steele –

Hunter Ed:  Ron Ruth –

Guzzlers:  Larry Martin -

Youth Conservation Camp -

Membership: Ron Moore –

Scholarship:  Mike Estes -

Website: Ron Moore –



RRGC Club Upcoming Activities


Hunter Education Class – July 8 through 13, Grigg’s classroom and TCMSA range

RRGC Picnic – August 6, 5:00pm Leslie Groves Park

Next General Membership Meeting –September 3 at 7:00pm, Richland Public Library

Hunter Education Class – September 9 through 14, Grigg’s classroom and TCMSA range

Wild Game Dinner – March 22, 2025, Benton County Fairgrounds Building 4 


Richland Rod & Gun Club is an organized group of hunters, fishermen, and conservationists who share a common interest in the outdoors. Each year the Club members volunteer in a number of work projects that improve wildlife habitat, educate young potential hunters / fisherman, and raise funds for Club projects.


The RICHLAND ROD & GUN CLUB meets the first non holiday Tuesday of each month except July and August at 7:00

The meetings are open to the public and consist of a short business meeting followed by a program of current interest.

Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday at 7:00 at Griggs Pasco meeting facility.


Membership in the Richland Rod & Gun Club can be obtained by filling out an application and paying your annual dues here.


The Richland Rod and Gun Club offers opportunities to work in activities associated with wildlife, the outdoors and youth education. We would appreciate your involvement with one of our projects or programs that include, Fishing, Dog Training, Scholarship, Public Lands, Youth Activities, Migratory Waterfowl, Habitat, Game Birds, Big Game , Landowner Relations.

Content contributions, suggestions, or criticism to the RRGC website should be emailed to,

Richland, WA        
Kennewick, WA     
Pasco, WA
Tri-Cities, Washington (state)

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