The Catfish challenge was held June 15-16! Its purpose? To promote new friendships between the RRGC members, To learn new ways to catch Catfish, Meet new Members and provide Catfish for the Dinner/potluck with the excess saved for the RRGC wild game Dinner in march 2019. The event/ potluck was held at Matt and Connie Cummings river front home right on the Yakima river! Complete with bonfire, motor home parking, and fishing access to the river! The Stats: The fishing team of Alec Markel,Connor & Nathan Peterson who fished all night ! (Oh! to be young again) produced 218 lbs of fish with Alec bringing in the the largest catfish of 16 lbs! Richard Sharp produced a two day total of 145 lbs with the help of Kirby Hammond! John Cooper brought in 38.9 lbs with a 14.1 lb beauty! Others were Pam Anderson 9.2 lb , Greg Boeringa with 6.4 lb, Matt Cummings 5.9 lb, Shannon and Packy Lackey 2.7 lbs! A total of 428 lbs was brought to scale! The event produced after retention from some fisherman 53 lbs of prepared catfish for the WGD! The Dinner/potluck? In one word? Wonderful!! Ron Lucas/ (aka: The french fry man) could not attend but graciously brought the makings for the french fries! 18 lbs of catfish was prepared 4 different ways by Richard Sharp and devoured by the attendees! there were to many dishes to list but as the adage says?? You should have been there! Nobody left Hungry!!! In addition Connie Cummings produced a Birthday cake with the Number 55 and fifty five candles were lit to celebrate Richard Sharps Birthday as 50+ attendees sang the birthday song! (My eyebrows may never grow back) Special thanks to the Cummings for providing a wonderful location and to all the members who participated! A great event!!
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