The 2021 catfish challenge was a success again this year ! Fewer contestants but participants brought a generous amount of food!
Greg Borenga took big cat honors with a 12.9 lb. Second was Richard Sharp with a 12.4 lb! Travis Sharp was third with 8.8! Team effort weight totals were John Cooper and Richard Sharp with 47.45, Travis Sharp with 33.0, and Greg/Carla Boeringa with 29.65 totals! Other participants did not weigh in! Possible causes was high water and weeds! The Richland Rod and Gun club wishes to thank Matt/Connie Cummings for hosting this event again this year!( Note) big fish was caught off lawn!!! And Keith Sharp for cleaning all the Fish The foods were incredible! Catfish, walleye, Bass, Smoked chicken, cakes, Schielke cobbler, and a variety of salads and other dishes! Those who missed it? Missed out!