6-3-20 Larry Martin checked for potential guzzler damage from yesterday's wildfire in the Horse Heaven hills west of Benton City, Yakitat, Gibbon road area. Spokane BLM Wildfire department was still there. Larry talked with them about walking up to guzzler #2 which was the only one hit. They were reluctant to let him walk up until they left the scene but they volunteered to take the quadrants of the guzzler and go themselves for practice in finding things by GPS. They took pictures and sent them to Larry. This guzzler had metal legs installed several years ago and made it through only slightly scorched. The fence is partially down because some wood posts burned but there are no cattle in the area now so there isn't a rush to get it fixed. This guzzler was installed in the 50s or 60s although it has had repairs done over the years.
