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Northwest Game Recipes


This section of the website is sponsored by the Richland Rod & Gun Club which is an organized group of hunters, fishermen, and conservationists who share a common interest in the outdoors.  Each year the Club participates in a number of work projects that improve wildlife habitat, educate young hunters/fisherman, and raise funds for Club projects.  

From Harvest to Preparing Wild Game for the table


There is a large selection of wild game recipes available in cookbooks but quality and taste of the final dish is dependent on how the meat was managed beginning at the time of harvest and  during processing steps prior to cooking.   Proper handling of wild game before cooking is equally as important as selecting the best recipe.  This website contains over 130 recipes and discusses a number of important topics relating to:


Preparing Wild Game

  • Food safety

  • Cooking methods

  • Menus

Handling Wild Game

  • Field dressing of game

  • Game transport

  • Processing

Wine, Beer & Wild Game

  • Pairing Wine & Beer with wild game dishes

  • Guidelines for selecting NW wine

  • Guidelines for selecting NW beer

Northwest Wild Game

  • Nutrition

  • Species

In addition to containing many game recipes, this is a  "how to" site for young and new hunters/fishermen who want to know some basics on what to do from the time the game is harvested to the time it is consumed. It covers all types of game including big game, upland game, migratory waterfowl, fish and shellfish that are typically harvested in the Northwest.  The site includes a brief history of wild game in the Northwest.

In addition to containing many game recipes, this is a  "how to" site for young and new hunters/fishermen who want to know some basics on what to do from the time the game is harvested to the time it is consumed. It covers all types of game including big game, upland game, migratory waterfowl, fish and shellfish that are typically harvested in the Northwest.  The site includes a brief history of wild game in the Northwest.

Capt. Lewis

Saturday July 13th 1805 [Great Falls, Montana]


The hunters killed three buffaloe today which were in good order. the flesh was brought in dryed the skins wer also streachedfor covering our baggage. we eat an emensity of meat; it requires 4deer, an Elk and a deer, or one buffaloe, to supply us plentifully 24 hours. meat now forms our food prinsipally as we reserve our flour parched meal and corn as much as possible for the rocky mountains which we are shortly to enter, and where from the indian account, game is not very abundant.

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