Wild Game Dinner Planning Meeting – Please Plan to Attend
A kick-off organizing and planning meeting for cooks, chefs, kitchen workers and helpers for the 73rd annual Wild Game Dinner is scheduled for Friday, December 6 at 6:00pm at Marilyn Steele’s home, 41530 S. Morton Road in Kennewick. There will be food for attendees. Please plan to attend! No experience required. Please let Marilyn know you are coming so she can plan accordingly. Call or text 509-392-2128.
The Wild Game Dinner will be held on March 22, 2025 at the Benton County Fairgrounds. The presenter will be professional photographer John Clement. We need to start collecting prizes and meat for the dinner NOW. If you are a hunter or fisherman, please consider donating a portion of your harvest for the dinner. Each package must be tagged with the donor’s name, WILD ID number, species and cut of meat, plus the date and location taken. Ground meat cannot be accepted. Copies of our prize solicitation letter will be available at the December general membership meeting that you can give to potential donors that explains our nonprofit status and the reasons for the solicitation. Please think about how you can contribute to and be involved in the Wild Game Dinner. Please contact John Prather (509-521-1593) for more information about meat and prize donations or Marilyn Steele (509-392-2128) about helping with the dinner preparations.